Career Development

The All-in-One Tool for Job Hunting

How to keep organized during this global unemployment crisis

Ethan O'Sullivan


If you’re reading this, odds are that you’re one of the millions of unemployed due to COVID-19 and currently on a job hunt. This process may be familiar to you by now:

  1. You see an open position online and think you’re a good fit for the role.
  2. Submit your resume/CV.
  3. Discouraged and frustrated (rightfully so) when you don’t hear back.

“If I could just get an opportunity, I know I will be able to sell myself.”

It’s unfortunate, but your resume is likely not making it past the initial screening. Since everything is online, hundreds of people may be applying for the same job. Recruiters don’t have the time to look at every resume.

Instead, information from the resumes is parsed and entered into an Applicant Tracking System (ATS). The ATS matches your relevant skills, work history, education, and other info to the current job opening. Unless your extracted skills and experience match what they are looking for, recruiters will not look at your submitted resume. That’s why it’s essential that your resume is formatted to be easily parseable. I know this because I was unemployed for 7 months due to the coronavirus and I reassessed myself by spending countless hours researching ways to give me an edge.

This is where comes in. It’s your one-stop-shop to make your resume ready for ATS and aesthetically pleasing. It’s easy-to-use and doesn’t require an account to try out (really).

Here’s a FlowCV demo.

You can start with a template or design your own to your liking and share the template (here’s mine). Once you add all of your details and format it, you can share a private link with your friends, family, or colleague to review and write feedback. This part requires an account, but you’ll also be able to save and create multiple resumes or CVs.

That’s not all. FlowCV has become more than just a resume builder. At the time of this writing, you can track your job applications, build a personal website, and generate a professional email signature. The FlowCV team is always rolling in new and exciting features to help you stay on track with your job hunting.

Keep track of your applications and job offers in a Kanban-style with cards, columns, and continuous improvement.

This tool really helped give my resume a much-needed overhaul and a way to stay organized with my job searching. I know how tough it is out there and your morale is at an all-time low during this unprecedented time. Stay calm, keep breathing, and don’t ever undersell yourself. I’m a firm believer that there’s no such thing as a perfect resume, but you can always make it better.

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